Prayers for Mobile Applications " Muhtelif Dualar " application is a mobile civilian that offers you the most kind of prayer we use most in everyday life
Prayers for Mobile Applications
" Muhtelif Dualar " application is a mobile application that offers you the most kind of prayer that we use most in everyday life.
★ Arabic Reading of Prayers and Latin
★ Turkish Meaning of Prayers
★ Ashura prayer
★ Prayer of Fertility
★ Funeral Prayer
★ Prayer to be read while leaving the house
★ Azan Prayer
★ Hatim Prayer
★ Prayer of Employment
★ Prayer to be read during the visit to the grave
★ Prayer to be read when you are afraid
★ Nazar Prayer
★ Ramadan Prayer
★ Salat-ı tefriciye prayer
★ Healing Prayer
★ Table Prayer
★ Prayer against danger
★ Prayer of suggestion
★ Repentance prayer
★ Rain Prayer
★ Prayer to be read while going on a journey